Users - CMS Groups


CMS Groups allow you to group your users and then assign permissions. If you are using Active Directory, then groups will automatically sync into the CMS, permissions can then be assigned.
  1. Click on 'Users' within the main tree, then click on 'CMS Users'.
  2. Select 'CMS Groups' from the top navigation.
  3. The right hand side of the page there are three actions in the drop-down menu.
    1. View/Edit User in Group: This will show a list all users that have been assign to the group.
    2. Group Permissions: Select this option to view and edit permissions for a group (see below).
    3. Delete Group: This will delete the group from the CMS, this will also un-assign any users.

Group Permissions

Apart from the ‘Admin’ group any other group can be assigned permissions to any area of the CMS.
  1. To edit any permissions, click the ‘Edit Permissions’ button to enable the check-boxes, you have 4 options:
    1. Read: Any user in the selected group will be able to view the area of the CMS.
    2. Write: Any user in the selected group will be able to make changes to the area of the CMS
    3. Auto Auth: If this unchecked, then any content published will be held in an Authorisation state, which will require a more senior user to review and publish the content.
    4. Delete: Any user in the selected group will be able to delete items from the CMS.
  2. If you select a checkbox which has child nodes, then you will be given the option to apply the changes to the children, click ‘OK’ if required.
  3. Once selected, then all users in this Group will be able to use the specific area of the CMS.
  4. Click the ‘Save Permissions’ button once your changes are complete.