E-Commerce - Discount Codes/Vouchers

Under the E-Commerce branch, you will find Discount Codes/Vouchers which will allow you to enter any discount/promo codes and vouchers for use on your website.

Adding a new code

Adding a new promo code is a three step process.
Step One:
  1. Click on the 'New Promo Code' button.
  2. Select a Code Type from the drop down menu.
    • System Code: This is applied to the basket automatically.
    • User Code: User types in the code at the checkout.
    • Voucher Code: User types in the code at checkout and will expire after use.
  3. Select a Media Type from drop down menu.
    • Basket Fixed Cost Discount: Applies a fixed cost discount to the total basket amount (e.g. $5.00 off)
    • Basket Percentage Discount: Applies a fixed percentage discount to the total basket amount (e.g. 10% off)
    • Item Percentage Discount: A percentage discount is applied to the specific selected item(s), not the total basket discount.
    • Shipping Fixed Discount: Applies a fixed cost discount to the shipping total.
    • Shipping Percentage Discount: Applies a percentage discount to the shipping total.
  4. Next, enter your code name in the ‘Code Name’ field, this will be the actual code entered/recorded at checkout.
  5. Enter a discount amount in the ‘Discount Amount’ field, depending on the type selected, this will either be a fixed cost or percentage.
  6. Select the delivery options which will be available when this code is used.
  7. Click on the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Step Two:
  1. Display Text: Enter the text you want to be displayed to the user (e.g. Promo Code has been added).
  2. User Type Code: Promo code is only applied if the web users group has the assigned code. 
  3. Priority: The order in which the promo code is added to the basket.
    You may have 2 promo codes that are NOT set to work in conjunction with, both are valid on the customer's basket.
    Only one code is added which will be the first one with the highest priority.
    'Promo Code A' has a priority of 1
    'Promo Code B' has a priority of 2
    'Promo Code A' is added to the basket.

  4. Start Date: Enter the start date and time you want this code to take effect.
  5. End Date: Enter the end date and time you want this code to end.
  6. In Conjunction: Select other promo codes you would like to be used alongside this specific promo code.
  7. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue.
Step Three
  1. Total Required: The basket total cost required before the promo code will be applied. (e.g. $13.99. This promo code will not be applied until the basket total reaches $13.99)
  2. Item Qty Required: This is the number of items required in the user’s basket of a particular product before the promo code will be applied. (e.g. 2)
  3. Multiple Qty Discount: Check this checkbox for the discount to be multiplied when the basket quantity is a multiple of the 'Item Qty Req' amount.
    Item Qty Req = 10
    Item Unit Cost = $100.00
    Discount = 10%
    This checkbox is unselected, if the customer selects a qty of 20, the discount will be added once (Item Total Cost = $1900.00).
    This checkbox is selected, if the customer selects a qty of 20, the discount will be doubled (Item Total Cost = $1800.00).

    NOTE: This option only applies to the types Basket Fixed Cost Discount and Basket Percentage Discount 

  4. Multiple Product Discount: Check this checkbox for the discount to be applied to all the selected products below. 
    5 Products are selected to work with this promo code
    This checkbox is unselected, if the customer selects 2 of the products, the discount will be calculated on only the first item in the basket.
    This checkbox is selected, if the customer selects 2 of the products, the discount will be calculated on the 2 selected products. 

  5. Allowed Countries: Check the checkbox for this code to be applied if any of the selected countries matches the customer’s delivery address.
  6. Group Products: Check the checkbox for this code to be applied if all the products selected in 'Products required' are added to the basket.
  7. Products Required: Check the checkbox for this code to be applied/available if any of the selected products are added to the basket and reach the "Item Qty Req" above.
  8. Once finished click on ‘Save Promo Code’ button. The promo code has now been successfully saved and is now ready to be used on your website.

Editing/Deleting Promo Codes

  1. Click on the 'New Promo Code' button.
  2. All of your promo codes will be displayed.
  3. On the right side of the work space, you can Edit Promo Code or Delete Promo Code by choosing the relevant option from the drop-down actions menu.