Getting Started with MVC

Developing a website with NgageCMS, the base project template has everything included to quickly get started, giving you a great base to work from.

Running the base template project, will by default display a series of web pages utilising the bootstrap.


  • Visual Studio 2013 or higher
  • API URL (supplied by Ngage Software)
  • Basic knowledge of C# and MVC


  1. Request the base project template & API URL
  2. Install the project template, close all instances of Visual Studio, and run the 'NgageMvcInstaller.vsix' installer
  3. Once complete open Visual Studio
  4. Select File - New Project
  5. Select 'Ngage Base MVC Template' from the template list
    ('Templates/Visual C#/Web/NgageSoftware')
  6. Enter a project name and location
  7. Click OK, your project will now be created
  8. Open Package Manager Console (Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager)
  9. Run the command [ Update-Package -Reinstall ] (exclude the brackets) (this may take a minute to complete)
  10. In Solution Explorer right-click on the 2 folders below and 'Exclude from Project'
    • _NgageReferences
    • uploaded_classes
  11. Edit the web.config file and replace the API URL (supplied by Ngage Software)
  12. Run the project and the default website will be launched.