MYOB Account Sync
The following settings are required to run the MYOB Sync, the MYOB sync is run at the end of each day. 
CMS MYOB Settings
NgageCMS - Settings - Windows Service - MYOB
  • Invoice Option (Shop Orders Cash) = 1 or 2
  • Invoices Option (Shop Orders Card) = 1 or 2
  • Invoices Option (Web Orders) = 1 or 2
  • Shop Orders Account ID = 4-1000 or similar
  • Web Orders Account ID = 4-3000 or similar
  • Merchant Fee Account ID = 6-1300 or similar
  • Clearing Account ID = 1-1201 or similar
  • Product Expense Account ID = 5-1000 or similar 
  • Product Income Account ID = 4-1000 or similar
  • Product Asset Account ID = 1-1320 or similar
  • Manage Inventory = Yes or No
  • Create Products = Yes or No
  • Update Products = Yes or No  
  • Company File Name = the MYOB file name
  • Company File Username = the MYOB file login username
  • Company File Password = the MYOB file login password
  • Access Code = Generate an access code by clicking ‘Get New Access Code’, this will ask for MYOB account login for authorisation, only needs to be completed once.
  • API URL – Supplied by your Website Developer
  • API Key – Supplied by your Website Developer
  • API Secret – Supplied by your Website Developer

Sync Actions
The following actions occur during the Sync 

Shop Sales (invoices)
  1. Creates/Updates the customer details (see customer item update for details)
  2. Creates/updates the product item (see product item update for details)
  3. Creates/updates the invoice (into the ‘Shop Orders’ account ‘4-1000’ or similar )
  4. If a POS invoice payment is made, the Invoice 'BalanceDueAmount' will be updated
  5. A Payment record is created in the 'Bank Account' and linked to the invoice
Shop Sales (cash)
  1. Creates/Updates the customer details (see customer item update for details)
  2. Creates/updates the product item (see product item update for details)
  3. Creates the invoice (into the ‘Shop Orders’ account ‘4-1000’ or similar)
    1. if Option = 1 Creates an invoice for every order 
    2. if Option = 2 Creates 1 invoice at the end of each day with the total amount for the day (Cash Total ‘dd/MM/yyyy’)
  4. A Payment record is created in the 'Bank Account' and linked to the invoice
Shop Sales (card)
  1. Creates/Updates the customer details (see customer item update for details)
  2. Creates/updates the product item (see product item update for details)
  3. Creates the invoice (into the ‘Shop Orders’ account ‘4-1000’ or similar)
    1. if Option = 1 Creates an invoice for every order 
    2. if Option = 2 Creates 1 invoice at the end of each day with the total amount for the day (Card Total ‘dd/MM/yyyy’)
  4. A Payment record is created in the 'Bank Account' and linked to the invoice
Web Orders (stripe or similar)
  1. Creates/Updates the customer details (see customer item update for details)
  2. Creates/updates the product item (see product item update for details)
  3. Creates the invoice (into the ‘Web Orders’ account ‘4-3000’ or similar), if the merchant provides the fee charge in the supplied API, we will create a new line item called 'Merchant Fee' and will be assigned to the 'Merchant Fee Account'
    1. if Option = 1 Creates an invoice for every order with the payment reference 
    2. if Option = 2 Creates 1 invoice at the end of each day with the total amount for the day (Web Total ‘dd/MM/yyyy’) 
  4. Payment record is created in the 'Bank Account' against the invoice with the payment reference or if option 2, a comma deiminated list of each payment reference 

Web Orders (invoice)
  1. Creates/Updates the customer details (see customer item update for details)
  2. Creates/updates the product item (see product item update for details)
  3. Creates/updates the invoice (into the ‘Shop Orders’ account ‘4-1000’ or similar )
  4. If a POS invoice payment is made, the Invoice 'BalanceDueAmount' will be updated 
  5. A Payment record is created in the 'Bank Account' and linked to the invoice
Customer Item
  • Create Customer – will create a new customer if not found by matching the email address
  • Update Customer – will update any details if changed in the CMS or by the customer when placing a web order
    1. FirstName
    2. LastName
    3. Addresses
    4. IsActive = true
    5. IsIndividual = true if no business name is provided
    6. CompanyName
    7. Notes = "Created by Ngage Software"
    8. CustomField1 = NgageUserId + User ID in the NgageCMS
    9. DisplayID = "NUID:" + User ID in the NgageCMS
    10. FreightTaxCode = GST
    11. TaxCode = GST
    12. Terms – PaymentIsDue = CashOnDelivery
Product Item
  • Create Product – if 'Create Products' = Yes, will create a new product if not found by matching the Number to the ManufacturerCode
  • Update Product – if 'Update Products' = Yes, will update any details including stock levels and pricing if changed in the CMS 
    1. Name = CMS Product SKU + Variation 1 + Variation 2
    2. Description = CMS Product Title + Variation 1 + Variation 2
    3. Number = CMS ManufacturerCode
    4. BaseSellingPrice = CMS Cost or Offer Cost
    5. QuantityAvailable = CMS Stock Level
    6. QuantityOnHand = CMS Stock Level – CMS Stock Allocated
    7. UseDescription = true
    8. IsBought = true
    9. IsSold = true
    10. IsInventoried = true
    11. ExpenseAccount = 5-1000 or similar 
    12. IncomeAccount = 4-1000 or similar 
    13. AssetAccount = 1-1320 or similar 
    14. SellingDetails-IsTaxInclusive = false
    15. SellingDetails-BaseSellingPrice = CMS Cost or Offer Cost
    16. SellingDetails-TaxCode = GST/N-T depending on the CMS TaxExclusive
    17. BuyingDetails-StandardCost = CMS Buying Cost
    18. BuyingDetails-TaxCode = GST/N-T depending on the CMS TaxExclusive

  • Create Invoice – will create a new invoice if not found by matching the Number to the CMS Order ID
  • Update Invoice – will update any details if changed in the CMS
    1. Lines = MYOB Product Item
    2. Customer = MYOB Customer
    3. LastPaymentDate = If a payment was made, the date the payment was completed 
    4. IsTaxInclusive = false
    5. Status = If a payment was made = Closed, else Open
    6. InvoiceType = Item
    7. Terms-PaymentIsDue = If a payment was made = CashOnDelivery else InAGivenNumberOfDays
    8. BalanceDueAmount = If a payment was made = 0, else order total amount
    9. Comment = PromoCode or Discount Information
    10. ReferralSource = CMS Order Source = POS/Website/Amazon/eBay  
    11. Number = CMS Order Id (converted to a 8 digit number)
    12. CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber = CMS Order Id 
    13. Date = CMS Order Date
    14. IsTaxInclusive = false
    15. Subtotal = CMS Order Sub Total
    16. TotalTax = CMS Order Sub Total Tax
    17. Freight = CMS Delivery Cost (Tax Exclusive)
    18. FreightTaxCode = GST
    19. TotalAmount = CMS Order Total

Invoice Line Item
  1. Type = Transaction
  2. Account =    
    1. Merchant Fee = Merchant Fee Account ID = 6-1300 or similar
    2. Shop Order = Shop Orders Account ID = 4-1000 or similar
    3. Web Order = Web Orders Account ID = 4-3000 or similar
  3. description = CMS Product Title + Variation 1 + Variation 2
  4. name = CMS Product Code + Variation 1 + Variation 2 
  5. ShipQuantity =  CMS Order Item Qty Ordered
  6. UnitPrice = CMS Order Item UnitCostPaid 
  7. UnitCount = CMS Order Item Qty Ordered 
  8. Total = CMS Order Item UnitCostPaid * Qty

  • Create Payment – will create a new payment
    1. CustomerPaymentLine-Number = MYOB Invoice ID
    2. CustomerPaymentLine-AmountApplied = Invoice Total
    3. CustomerPaymentLine-Type = Invoice
    4. Account = Clearing Account ID = 1-1201 or similar
    5. AmountReceived = if web/cash/card order = Total Amount Paid, if Invoice might be a part payment
    6. Date = CMS Order Date
    7. Memo = CMS Order Type (Web/POS/Amazon/eBay) + Merchant Payment Reference
    8. Customer = MYOB Customer 
    9. PaymentMethod = CMS payment type (Cash/CreditCard/Amazon Payment/eBay Payment/Stripe or similar)