Pull Orders
  1. Navigate to Settings – Selling Channels – Store Setup
  2. Click Connect to Store
  3. Select the ‘Custom Store’ option
  4. Enter the details:
    1. URL: https://your-domain.com/ShipStation.ashx
    2. Username: - supplied by your developer
    3. Password: - supplied by your developer 
  5. Click test connection, should be successful
  6. Click Connect
  7. Orders will now pull into ShipStation on a schedule
Push Tracking
  1. Navigate to Settings – Integrations – Integration Partners  
  2. Select the webhooks option – this is an icon as attached
  3. Click add webhook
  4. Enter the details:
    • Name:  Ngage Software
    • Option: On Orders Shipped
    • Store: Ngage Sync
    • URL: https://your-domain.com/ShipStation.ashx?action=shipNotify
  5. Click Save
  6. Once a label has been created for an order, it will automatically update Ngage Software and send the dispatch email to the customer