Manage Current Product Data - Editing variations
Once product manager is running, click on ‘Manage Current Product Data’.
Next, wait for the data to be downloaded from the website. Then press the ‘Sync Complete’ button.
You should then be taken to a screen which will display all products in the shop.
Find the variation that you wish to edit on the list, you can filter the list using the ‘SKU/Title’ filter at the top of the screen.
Press the Edit Details button on the right hand side of the screen on the line that you wish to edit.
You will now be taken to a screen where you can edit all of the information about this variation.
Variation One: Provides information on different variations of the product. This may be colour, size, style, gender specific, etc.
Variation Two: Provides information on different variations of the product. This may be colour, size, style, gender specific, etc.
Manufacturer Code:
Replen Min Stock:
Replen Order Qty:
Bin Location: This is the storage bay/bin where the product is being held, this value shows up on the warehouse app when picking orders.
Stock Level: Provides accurate information on your total inventory levels for each product.
Stock Level Action: This is a drop-down menu which allows you to select the current action for the stock. I.e. is the product out of stock? Can it be pre-ordered? Is the product due to arrive in store? Etc.
Tax: The amount of VAT that will be charged.
Selling Cost (Include Tax): Is the price that the product will be sold at to customer.
Selling Offer Cost (Include Tax): If a product is currently on offer, The price will cross out the Selling Price and display the offer price below.
Selling Trade Cost (Include Tax):
RRP Cost: Recommended retail price is the suggested retail price of the product and provides a comparison of the average market price of your product to your selling price.
Buying Cost: Here, users can see the cost that they have bought each product. This is useful when determining the markup percentage and to see the profits that will be made on each product.
Website Min Qty:
Website Max Qty:
Barcode: This is the unique barcode that matches each product. Providing this information to the Product Manager System will help ensure all platforms are working together and stock levels are accurate.
Pick Note information: Add additional information for the pick note, if required.
Variation Images: Here you can add images for the current variation.
Stock Filters:
Next, click on the ‘Shipping’ button on the left hand side, the following screen will appear.
Here you will be able to define the shipping parameters for this variation. Including the package dimensions, and weight. You will also be able to select which shipping options are available for this specific variation.
Next, click on the ‘Market Places’ button on the left hand side.
This screen will enable you to define a basic description of the variation, this will be uploaded to Amazon and / or Ebay if required.
The Amazon and Ebay tabs are very similar and will allow you to change some basic parameters of the product as they will appear on Amazon / Ebay.
Next, lets take a look at the ‘SKU Details’ tab. Click the button now on the left hand side of the screen. The following window will appear.
Here you can enter basic details about the SKU, its worth noting that making changes in the screen will effect all variations that use the same SKU. Here’s a brief description of each option on this page.
Stock SKU: SKU is a code that identifies each individual product. Each code is unique and matches to one product only.
Manufacturer: Provides information on the manufacturer and brand of the product. The manufacturer can be chosen by clicking on the arrow for the drop-down menu. If you need to add or edit a manufacturer, you can view this article.
Publish Start Date: The date in which the product will appear on the website.
Publish End Date: The date in which the product will disappear from the website (It’s worth noting that the product will remain in the system and not be deleted after this date).
Title: The title of the product.
Meta Title: This is the title of the product page on the website, it is extremely important for SEO – at worst, it can be a copy of your product title, must be unique for every SKU.
Meta Description: A short description of the product for the website, this is also extremely important for SEO – at worst can be a copy of a few lines of the content, must be unique for every SKU.
Web Category: Select the category that this product will belong to. You can add a new one at any time, see this article for more details.
Related SKU’s: List any SKU’s here that are related to this product.
Available Date: Sometimes you may want a product to appear on the website but be unavailable for purchase until a specific date is reached. Use this field to set that date.
Var One Label: Enter the text that you wish to appear next to the product option selection boxes.
Var Two Label: Enter the text that you wish to appear next to the product option selection boxes.
Price Override: Sometimes manufacturers will not let you display a price on a website, this can be used to replace the price with text, example: ‘Please call for a price’
Show on Website: Tick this to show the item on the website.
Show on Google / Facebook: You can stop this product from being indexed by google search results (or facebook) by selecting this option.
Web Qty Label:
PO Suppliers:
Clicking on SKU images on the left hand side will take us to the following screen.
Here you will be able to upload product images from you’re computer, once uploaded you can select what type of image it will be’ i.e. thumbnail or gallery image. You can also delete images from this screen as you can see from the screenshot above.
Next click on ‘SKU Content’ , the following screen will appear.
Here you can enter a detailed description / specification of the product, this will be displayed on the website.
Clicking on SKU Specifications will load a similar screen which will allow you to add more content about the SKU via the rich text editor.
Clicking on ‘SKU Options’ on the left hand side will bring up the following screen.
Here you can define the different options are available for this SKU.
Click on ‘New Option’ to add a new option, you will then be asked weather you want to display the new option as text or a drop down list.
In this example, we’re adding a new dropdown list with two options inside it. The values of the drop down list can be added by selecting the ‘Add New Value’ button and entering the text and price for each option.
Once that’s done you can click on ‘Save Field’ to save you new option list.
Finally, Clicking on ‘SKU PDF’s’ from the left hand side will show the following screen.
Here you can upload any PDF attachments that are related to the product – Craig, if they are buying a digital product that happens to be the PDF itself, is that what this screen is for?
Once you have finished editing the variation, you can can either choose to make further changes to other products of go ahead and click on the green ‘Upload Changes’ button at the top.
You’ll be asked if you have finished making changes, click on yes to start the upload.
The data will then start uploading to the website, see the below screen.
Once the data upload has completed, the data will then be re-downloaded to your computer, see the screen below.
Once that has been completed, you’re all done!
Click on the ‘Home Icon’ below to return to the main menu.