Users - Add/Edit CMS User

If you are using Active Directory users will sync into the CMS automatically and will appear in the relevant AD Group.

Adding a non AD Group user

  1. Click on 'Users' within the main tree, then click on 'CMS Users'.
  2. Select 'CMS Groups' from the top navigation.
  3. Click on the 'Add New User' button. 
  4. Populate the fields that appear in the workspace,
  5. Click on 'Save User'
  6. The user has now been created but will need to be assigned to a CMS group.

Editing a CMS User​

  1. Click on 'Users' within the main tree, then click on 'CMS Users'.
  2. Select 'CMS Users' from the top navigation.
  3. A list of CMS users will be displayed, the actions drop-down menu next to each user has three options.
    1. View/Edit User Details: Amend User details if necessary, including password reset.
    2. View Assigned Groups: Allows you to see which groups this CMS User is assigned to.
    3. Delete User: This allows the permanent deletion of a CMS User.